School Board Members

Theresa Noack, District 1
Vice President
Beata Cox, District 2

Justin Voelker, District 3
Justin has served as an EVSD School Director since 2013. He and his wife, Tamara, have two children. Their daughter is a graduate of EVHS who now attends Whitworth University and a son who attends EVHS. Justin graduated from La Grande (OR) High School and then earned his BS from Eastern Oregon University. Later, he received his MBA from the University of Phoenix. Justin currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the Inland Northwest Region's MulitCare Health System.

Jonathan Horsley, District 4
Legislative Representative
Jonathan Horsley was elected to his position in November of 2022. He and his wife have four children with the oldest currently attending EVHS. Jonathan attended La Center High School (west side of Washington) and then served in the Air Force. After retiring from the military, Jonathan earned a criminal justice degree via community colleges (Air Force and Pierce) and then an Elementary Education degree from Whitworth University. Director Horsley currently serves as a fourth grade teacher at a private school. Jonathan and his family are very involved in the local track and cross country teams and clubs.

Mike Bly, District 5
Director Mike Bly was appointed to his position by the Board in the Fall of 2019 when the position had been vacated; he was subsequently elected to his position in 2021. Mike is a 1990 graduate of East Valley High School. Go Knights! He and his wife, Selena, have two sons. Their oldest is an EVHS grad who now attends Whitworth University and the youngest is at EVHS. The Blys' are heavily involved in soccer, both school sanctioned as well as competitive club. Mike is a graduate of the University of Idaho and has spent the past thirty years in the High Tech hardware and software development field.