e-Flyers and Distribution

East Valley School District recognizes the important role that non-profit and community-based organizations play in providing educational, cultural, and recreational programs for our students during non-school hours. As part of the district’s efforts to be environmentally friendly, embrace technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, EVSD is now utilizing an electronic flyer distribution service called Peachjar.

Peachjar is a platform that allows non-profit, charitable, civic, and school-based organizations to distribute information to students and families. Submitted materials are reviewed on a case-by-case basis with the decision to approve or deny being made in concert with the district’s educational goals and objectives. Upon approval, flyers are emailed directly to parents and also posted to the respective building websites.

Community members who are interested in distributing information to our schools using Peachjar should first read the following information below on the criteria required and the process for submitting the proposed flyer through the Peachjar system.

Peachjar Information

Flyer Approval Criteria
Distribution of materials is approved with the following conditions met:

  • The materials must be for a Non-Profit organization.

  • The primary message must be to benefit children.

  • Materials must contain a disclaimer that clearly states, “Not endorsed by East Valley School District.”

  • The name of the non-profit organization must be displayed prominently on the flyer.

  • The nonprofit name or logo must be bigger than any for-profit partner on the flyer.

The district cannot approve the distribution of any material that:

  • Contains words, images, or symbols that are lewd, obscene, vulgar, or sexual in nature.

  • Advocates for a specific political issue or viewpoint.

  • Contains language that is proselytizing in nature.

  • Advocates or promotes violation of existing laws, regulations, ordinances, or official EVSD policies, rules, or regulations or poses a substantial risk of causing a violation of the same through the flyer’s distribution.

  • May place EVSD in a non-neutral position with respect to a matter of controversy in relation to which EVSD wishes to remain neutral.

  • Contains commercial taglines, logos, advertisements, or other promotional material of for-profit entities and commercial activities except for a limited placement of logo(s) of event or program sponsor(s).

Community Non-Profit Organizations
The East Valley School District no longer accepts paper flyers or posters for distribution at its schools. Community non-profit organizations may submit flyers using the Peachjar system for district approval. If there is no charge for the event or activity being offered, flyers may be posted for free. 

The flyer will be automatically submitted to the district office. District staff will review the material and approve or deny it based on the criteria above. Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost of copying and delivering paper flyers to each school. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to parents and posted on the school flyer board web pages (linked by the school in the sidebar menu on this page).

Visit www.Peachjar.com today to sign up for your account.

For assistance in submitting a flyer or applying for free postings with the Community Free Program please email support@peachjar.com or call 858.997.2117.

PTA/PTO/PTSA, Boosters, Clubs, & ASB
PTA/PTO/PTSA, boosters, clubs, and ASB or other organizations that exist in direct connection with or in service of the school or district are also encouraged to use Peachjar for the distribution of information about the school or “school-connected” events. These internal or school-connected organizations should download the Internal Flyer Distribution Information and follow the guidelines and instructions.