Administration Building
3830 N Sullivan Rd, Bldg 1
Spokane Valley, WA 99216
Student Services
Student Services Location:
Student Services Hours:
7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Monday through Friday

Ammie Hawk
Foster Liaison Choice Coordinator Heart (Homeless) Liaison Student Services Coordinator Community Attendance Review Board (CARB) Meeting Scheduler
The Student Services Department oversees the following programs:
A student's school and resident school district are based on where the student resides. In some circumstances, a family may ask to transfer their student to a school outside of their resident district. This is called a nonresident student transfer. You may also hear it referred to as an out-of-district transfer, inter-district transfer, choice transfer, variance, waiver, or school choice. For more information, please get in touch with Student Services or click on the link below to the OSPI website.
Foster Liaison:
You can reach the Foster liaison for EVSD through Student Services at 509.241.5480. The foster liaison can assist caseworkers and foster parents with enrollment and other questions that may arise. School bus transportation can be arranged so students can remain in their school of origin during placement.
Heart Program:
Spokane Valley HEART is a collaborative program of the Central Valley, East Valley, and West Valley School Districts. The Program is in place to address and support the educational needs of students who find themselves in temporary or transitional housing during the school year.
The HEART Program works closely with Spokane Valley Partners (10814 East Broadway | 509.927.1153), area shelter and housing providers, the Spokane Homeless Coalition, Greater Spokane Valley Support Network, area community resources, and the City and County of Spokane. We work together to ensure educational stability for students in short-term, temporary, and transitional housing situations so they feel supported and encouraged while they secure permanent housing.
The Program also works closely with area school districts, including Spokane Public Schools, Mead, Freeman, Cheney, Deer Park, Medical Lake, Riverside, Nine Mile Falls, Great Northern, Liberty, Post Falls, and Coeur d'Alene school districts, to create a region-wide network to support students in short-term, transitional and temporary housing situations.
Program Goals:
Support and meet the educational needs of students in temporary and transitional housing situations.
Maintain consistency in the educational process while living in transitional or temporary housing.
Provide the same educational opportunities to students in temporary and transitional housing situations as other students receive.
Engage parents, school, and community as full partners in the educational process of students in transitional and temporary housing.
Provide a connection between school and home.
Program Services:
Coordinate transportation arrangements for students to remain in their "school of origin".
Provide necessary school supplies.
Connect students and their parents with before and after-school programs in their district.
Facilitate the assessment of children and youth in reading, writing, and math to make the transition to the classroom easier and more productive.
Help school staff locate and compile records for students in temporary or transitional housing who are new to the district.
Connect students and families with the appropriate school district and community resources.
Facilitate orientation for new students and their parents to school.
Serve as a liaison between schools, parents, students, and community agencies to meet the educational needs of children and youth.
Communicate with schools about students in their building, and contact teachers and school administrators about developing issues.
Maintain contact with school buildings to support students, staff, and parents with issues that pertain to students in transitional and temporary housing situations.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact our HEART Liaison at any time during the school year should they find themselves facing homelessness or if their circumstances change and they need resources.