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Nazira Hernandez
East Valley High School
Hannah Hirshfield
ISW Counselor
East Valley High School
Lindsay Hubble
Special Education Teacher
East Valley High School
Lori Jacobsen
Social Studies Teacher
East Valley High School
Mark Johnson
Social Studies Teacher
East Valley High School
Teddi Johnson
Attendance Secretary
East Valley High School
Rick Jones
Student Assistance Professional
East Valley High School
Vanessa Kaufman
Core Substitute
East Valley High School
Ashley Kenner
Special Education Teacher
East Valley High School
Kevin Kirkpatrick
Counselor (Last Name G - O)
East Valley High School
Janet Lamparter
Special Education Paraeducator - Transitions Program
East Valley High School
Garry Laplante Jr.
Band & Choir Teacher
East Valley High School
Melanie Lilly
Math Teacher
East Valley High School
Leah Lucero
CTE Teacher (Agriculture)
East Valley High School
Chad Manwaring
Science Teacher
East Valley High School
Lissa Marshall
ELL Paraeducator
East Valley High School
Mike May
Post-Secondary Coordinator
East Valley High School
Alex McAnally
Core Substitute
East Valley High School
Mike McCune
Assistant Principal
East Valley High School
Kaitlyn McGlothlen
ELL Teacher
East Valley High School