Athletics & Activities

Alec Vermaire
Assistant Principal & Athletic Director

Casey Whallon
Activities & Athletic Secretary
East Valley High School offers a wide-range of extra-curricular activities and athletics. Participation in activities creates a connection with school, and relates to higher grades, better attendance, and fewer discipline problems. Athletics and Activities teach life-long skills such as team building, striving for a common goal, hard work, and personal sacrifice to achieve success. All school programs follow all EVSD, GSL, WIAA, and NFHS regulations.
Links & Information
Fall Sports
Sport | Head Coach | |
Football | Adam Fisher | fishera@evsd.org |
Cheer | Kristi Lacroix | lacroixk@evsd.org |
Boys Cross Country | Brandon Blize | blizeb@evsd.org |
Girls Cross Country | Nick Lazanis | lazanisn@evsd.org |
Slow Pitch Softball | Justin Sinn | sinnj@evsd.org |
Girls Soccer | Rik Robles | roblesr@evsd.org |
Volleyball | Chad Coupland | couplandc@evsd.org |
Winter Sports
Sport | Head Coach | |
Boys Basketball | Ty Fowler | fowlert@evsd.org |
Girls Basketball | Tierre Warren | warrent@evsd.org |
Cheer | Kristi Lacroix | lacroixk@evsd.org |
Wrestling | Keith Larson | larsonk@evsd.org |
Spring Sports
Sport | Head Coach | |
Baseball | Justin Sinn | sinnj@evsd.org |
Boys Golf | Adam Fisher | fishera@evsd.org |
Girls Golf | John Phelan | phelanj@evsd.org |
Boys Soccer | Logan Georgeadis | georgeadisl@evsd.org |
Fast Pitch Softball | Kelli Peckham | peckhamk@evsd.org |
Boys Tennis | Kevin Trim | trimk@evsd.org |
Girls Tennis | Tom Griner | grinert@evsd.org |
Boys Track and Field | Brandon Blize | blizeb@evsd.org |
Girls Track and Field | Shane Toy | toys@evsd.org |
Activity/Club | Advisor | |
ASL Club | Travis Neves | nevest@evsd.org |
Band | Garry LaPlante | laplanteg@evsd.org |
Choral | Garry LaPlante | laplanteg@evsd.org |
Debate | Kelli Hennessey | hennesseyk@evsd.org |
DECA | Sammy Schmidt | schmidtsj@evsd.org |
Diversity Club | Kristie Alt / Ashley Kenner | altk@evsd.org / kennera@evsd.org |
Drama Club | Sophie Wilson | wilsonsm@evsd.org |
FCCLA (Family, Career, Community Leaders of America | Emily Sander | sandere@evsd.org |
FFA (Future Farmers of America) | Leah Lucero | lucerol@evsd.org |
GSA | Kelli Hennessey / Leah Wurst | hennesseyk@evsd.org / wurstl@evsd.org |
History Bowl | Lori Jacobsen | jacobsenl@evsd.org |
Honor Society | Matt Stewart | stewartm@evsd.org |
HOSA (Future Health Professionals) | Luke Corigliano | coriglianol@evsd.org |
Key Club | Mariah Nepean | nepeanm@evsd.org |
Knowledge Bowl | Lori Jacobsen | jacobsenl@evsd.org |
Leadership | Brenda Gaver | gaverb@evsd.org |
Link | Dave Rovick | rovickd@evsd.org |
Math Club | Leah Wurst | wurstl@evsd.org |
Orchestra | Christi Chang | changc@evsd.org |
Pacific Islander Club | Kaitlyn Mcglothlen | mcglothlenk@evsd.org |
Spanish | Chris McMillan | mcmillanc@evsd.org |
Strolling Strings | Christi Chang | changc@evsd.org |
Tri M | Christi Chang | changc@evsd.org |
Yearbook | Nicole Talbert | talbertn@evsd.org |