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Leatha Adams
Special Education Paraeducator
East Valley High School
Kristie Alt
Special Education Teacher
East Valley High School
Tammy Archibald
East Valley High School
Brian Arnesen
Special Education Paraeducator
East Valley High School
Ryan Arnold
East Valley High School
Jena Ayers
Counselor (Last Name P-Z, AVID Students)
East Valley High School
Becca Bellamy
CTE Teacher (Sports Medicine)/Athletic Trainer
East Valley High School
Brandon Blize
Health & Fitness Teacher
East Valley High School
Taylor Bowman
Behavioral Health Specialist
East Valley High School
Bob Branam
Special Education Paraeducator - Transitions Program
East Valley High School
Danielle Brown
Health Room Assistant
East Valley High School
Ross Brunelle
English Teacher
East Valley High School
Scott Buergel
Custodian - Night Foreman
East Valley High School
Randy Cantu
Campus Security
East Valley High School
Branden Carlos
School Resource Officer
East Valley High School
Christi Chang
Orchestra Teacher
East Valley High School
Joe Clementich
East Valley High School
Joanne Cook
Math Teacher
East Valley High School
Joey Copeland
Health & Fitness Teacher
East Valley High School
Luke Corigliano
Science Teacher
East Valley High School