Highly Capable Program

Heather Awbery
Director of Special Programs

Michele Chavez
Teaching & Learning Administrative Assistant
In order to develop the special abilities of each student, the district offers a highly capable program which provides identified students in kindergarten through twelfth grade access to basic education programs that accelerate learning and enhance instruction. Highly capable students are students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments.
Referrals to the highly capable program are accepted based on data or evidence from teachers, other staff, parents, students, and members of the community. Nominators will use the district’s nomination form to refer a student to be considered for admission in the program. Parents are encouraged to talk with teachers for more information about the nomination process. Once a child has been assessed, parents will receive a letter notifying them of the assessment results.
We administer the CogAT Universal Screener to every student in their second grade year. If a student meets the qualifications of the screener criteria, then the full battery of the CogAT will be administered with parent/guardian permission following the screening.
The district will make a variety of appropriate program services available to highly capable students. Services may include, but are not limited to: accelerated learning opportunities, academic grouping arrangements that provide intellectual and interest peer group interactions, cooperative agreements between K-12 and institutions of higher education and programs designed to share resources and facilities to maximize student learning and mentorships and career exploration, differentiated instruction, academic competitions, and project based learning with choice, AP courses, dual enrollment and Running Start.