Save the Date! Help us celebrate 40 years of the Rapid Rabbit Run in East Valley! Sunday, March 19th!
The East Valley Career and Technical FFA (Future Farmers of America) Club is currently being trained by Labor & Industries (L & I) to receive two Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs). The first IRC is WISHA 10 for Agriculture. This is a 10 hour safety & health training on the specific agriculture regulations the State of Washington has to protects farmworkers. During this 10 hour training, students will learn about their rights as employees or future employees, learn how to identify workplace physical and health hazards, and how to correct those hazards. Students will also learn about specific safety topics e.g. Outdoor Heat, Lachine Guarding and Lockout/Tagout, Tractor & Power Take-Off (PTO) Safety, Pesticide Safety, and many other safety topics related to agriculture and other industries. At the end of the 10 hour training students will be issued two different certifications: One issued by the Dept. of Labor & Industries and the other will be issued by the Dept. of Agriculture in regards to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS- Regulations on pesticide safety).
Lunch was sponsored by LMF and The Country Store. Thank you for supporting East Valley students!
A big THANK YOU to Wilbur- Ellis for the donation of soil to be used in our greenhouse!
Our Career/Technical FFA students will use it to prepare for our spring plant sale that will be held in May.
There will be no school on Friday, November 11, 2022 in celebration of Veteran's Day.