Please make sure to take our quick parent survey!
Just a few reminders...March 27th there is NO late start. March 27th-31st-it is conference week so school is 9am-12:30pm,. There is NO chess club March 27th. There is also NO band or orchestra during half days. Tiger Trot shirt designs are due to the office by April 13. Please do our short survey during conferences on our website, in teachers classrooms or at the table at the front of the school. Volleyball will start on April 10th. There is no girls on the run March 27th-31st or April 3rd-7th. It will start back up on April 10th.
Washington ranked first and second in the nation in 2022 for the most recertified and new NBCTs. We are so proud and grateful for our 2022 recertified teachers!!
View the full list of all regional teachers here:
Mark Your Calendars! On Friday, April 21st the Annual Donkey Basketball Game returns to East Valley High School! Brought to you by East Valley's FFA (Future Farmers of America) Chapter!
Happy Thursday! Just a few reminders:
March 17th- last day to turn in Silverwood forms.
wear as much green as you can
March 23rd-Class pictures /forms are coming home soon
March 27th-NO LATE START
March 27th-31st-Conferences/half day-students are released at 12:30
Join us tonight at Noodle Express! Enjoy some great food while also supporting the Trentwood Elementary PTO! On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, from 11 am to 9 pm Noodle Express (707 N Sullivan) will be donating 20% of all purchases to support Trentwood's PTO! Be sure to show the flyer below at the time of purchase.
Class Picture Day is coming March 23rd!!!
PACE Trait for March - Diligence
“Diligence is defined as persistence, dedication, and hard work. Some may say these qualities are deep-rooted within individuals while others say they are acquired. It is my experience that they are both.” - Tracie Husted, Intervention Specialist, West Valley School District and PACE guest columnist for March 2019.
Who comes to mind when you think about diligence?
Kindergarten registration begins today, March 1, 2023!
Due to weather conditions, all East Valley schools will be on a 90 minute delay today.
Just a reminder that there will be no school tomorrow, Monday, February 20, 2023.
Good Morning! Just a couple of things...First, thank you to everyone who came to Bingo Night. We had 406 in attendance. Second, the World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser ends today and NO forms will be accepted after 2/17/23. Last, next week is mid-winter break so there is NO SCHOOL February 20th-February 24th.
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything East Valley, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app!
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We are loving our new app! Access documents, news
updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your
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There will be no school on Monday, January 16, 2023
Kindergarten Registration begins March 1st
East Valley Wrestling Club begins Tuesday, January 10th!
We're thrilled to announce the new app for East Valley! It's
everything East Valley, in your pocket.
Download for Android
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Welcome to the new EVSD website! We are still working on additional content, so please keep checking back.
Save the Date! Help us celebrate 40 years of the Rapid Rabbit Run in East Valley! Sunday, March 19th!