Welcome to East Valley Online!
Attending an Online school offers flexibility, creativity, and a rich learning experience. As with any school, there are some important things to know (for new students)or to be reminded of (for returning students) for a successful outcome.
Adequate Progress is required as you move through your lessons. On average, 30 hours a week are required to complete your core classes and electives on schedule for 7th-12th grade. This is fewer hours than you would spend in a traditional school, but it is still challenging. Some students require more hours per week; some can complete classes in less. You will get a Progress Report at the end of each month. Lack of adequate progress will result in an Intervention designed to assist you as you move toward adequate progress. Receiving three interventions will indicate that the online program is not working for you and result in a change in the program and your records being returned to your home school/district.
Attendance is mandated by Washington State Law. To meet this mandate, the process required by law is for you (the student) and your teacher to communicate with each other at least once a week via phone, email, zoom, or face-to-face. Local students can attend the EV Online Learning Drop-in Center Tuesday through Friday from 8:00-3:00 pm at 3830 N Sullivan Rd. During contact time, we will discuss details relating to the skills you are currently working on in your courses, solve issues, and answer questions. Students are expected to attend school each day unless there is a justifiable reason for their absence, such as an illness or planned absence, which you have notified the teacher of. Teachers are required to report students who miss a week of communication as truant. Truancies are turned in on Friday afternoons, so contact is best done by noon on Thursday.
Elective Courses such as PE, Art, Music, and other Fine Arts that are Independent Study require a weekly log sheet with dates, time spent, and the activity in which you are engaged to be filled in and submitted to your teacher as evidence of completion shortly before the end of the semester. You may use the PE log to document Art or other electives as well. These can be emailed directly to your teacher monthly or all at once.
There will be many more questions as things get going in the year, and you establish yourself as a new online student or returning student. Be patient as we work together, and soon you will be an experienced online learner!