East Farms

Greetings East Farms Families!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
For our families who are new to East Farms, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all! My name is Rachel Schuerman, and I am so grateful to be the principal at East Farms. This is my fifth year at East Farms and I could not be more proud to be part of such a loving learning community. I am excited for this new school year and all the possibilities that a new year brings!
The partnership between school and home is very important to us at East Farms as we share the responsibilities of educating our sweet children. Your active involvement and participation is a key component of your child’s social emotional and academic achievement. We are looking forward to inviting you all to attend, visit, and participate in various events that will take place throughout the year at East Farms. Information about these events will be shared using several communication mediums including our website, Class Dojo, Seesaw, and Google Classroom. Something new this year is that our Kindergarten, First, and Second grade students will leave their iPads AT SCHOOL. Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth grade students will continue to take iPads from school to home on a daily basis.
Student Arrival this year:
ALL East Farms students who will be transported by parents and guardians will be dropped off at the WEST ENTRANCE. Arrival time for parents dropping off is 8:45 am.
End of day pick-up:
ALL students will be picked up at the WEST ENTRANCE. Dismissal time is 3:30.
A few important “Nuts and Bolts” to start off the year:
If your child is in need of transportation, please be sure to fill out the needed paperwork with our transportation department.
The East Valley School District will be providing free breakfast and lunch to ALL students. Please be sure to turn in your free and reduced lunch paperwork to the office. If you choose to send your child with a cold lunch this is always an option as well.
We will continue to have LATE START ON MONDAYS. School start time is 10:30. Dismissal is 3:30.
Supervision and doors open at 8:45 am Tuesday through Friday and 10:15 on our Monday late start days. For the safety of your child, please be sure to honor this dropoff time as we do not have staffing for supervision until then.
Teachers will be communicating with parents/guardians via Class Dojo, Seesaw, and Google Classroom.
Attendance in school is extremely important and attendance will be taken everyday. If your child is absent for illness, appointments, ect, please reach out to the office so we can ensure correct documentation. Thank you so much for partnering with us on this.
We are continuing to enroll new students in the main office. You must bring proof of residence, such as a utility bill, property taxes, rental/lease agreement or official government mail.
Just a loving reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd in observance of Labor Day.
This is going to be the best year yet! Thank you so much for partnering with us at East Farms! Have a wonderful three-day weekend and we look forward to seeing all your smiling faces next week!
Most Sincerely,
Mrs. Rachel Schuerman, Principal